Pending UTC filings
电动关税 filings
Listed below are Puget Sound Energy's regulatory applications/filings currently in review with the UTC. Prior to any changes in our rates and tariffs, we must obtain regulatory approval.
建议 | 提交日期 | PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE | 建议 |
5/13/2024 | 6/14/2024 | The purposes of this tariff filing are to: 1) revise the Availability of PSE’s Residential Battery Energy Storage System Services (“BESS”) to remove a restriction that customers participating in electric demand response programs and services will not be eligible for service under Schedule 611; 2) to revise the BESS load management incentives from one enrollment incentive per meter to one enrollment incentive per battery; and 3) to add electric Schedule 120 to the funding sources of Schedule 611. | |
4/30/2024 | 10/1/2024 | The purpose of this filing is to revise electric Schedules 95 and 139 in accordance with the Petition of PSE for Approval of its 2023 Power Cost Adjustment Mechanism Annual Report. | |
2/15/2024 | 3/16/2024 | General Rate Case to update electric base rates to recover increased electric revenue requirements. |
Natural gas tariff filings
Listed below are Puget Sound Energy's regulatory applications/filings currently in review with the UTC. Prior to any changes in our rates and tariffs, we must obtain regulatory approval.
建议 | 提交日期 | PROPOSED EFFECTIVE DATE | 建议 |
5/03/2024 | 5/10/2024 | 4月24日, 2024, the Commission issued its Final Order 07 in Docket UG-230393 in which PSE proposed to recover the costs of the development, 建设, and operation of the Tacoma LNG Facility. PSE submits this compliance filing by revising the originally filed natural gas tariff sheets to implement the directives of the Order. Overall, this compliance filing reflects a combined revenue requirement of $42.5 million and an average increase of 3.08 percent in overall bills for all customers affected by these tariff changes. A typical residential customer using 64 therms per month would experience an increase of $2.每月73个或2个.86%. | |
2/15/2024 | 3/16/2024 | General Rate Case to update natural gas base rates to recover increased natural gas revenue requirements. |